Cisco 300-730 Exam Vouchers

Our Price: $298.95
Regular Price: $300.00
You Save: $1.05, 0%

The Implementing Secure Solutions with Virtual Private Networks (SVPN) exam certifies your knowledge and skills related to implementing secure remote communications with Virtual Private Network (VPN) solutions including secure communications, architectures, and troubleshooting.

After you pass 300-730 SVPN:

  • You earn the Cisco® Certified Specialist - Network Security VPN Implementation certification.
  • You will have satisfied the concentration exam requirement for new the CCNP Security certification. To complete CCNP Security, you also need to pass the Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies (350-701 SCOR) exam or its equivalent.
Special Offer Restrictions:
  1. Voucher is valid for Pearson VUE Cisco Exam 300-730.
  2. This Pearson VUE Cisco 300-730 exam test voucher is valid in the United States and Canada.
  3. All sales are final. No refund on this item.
  4. Current sales prices are not retroactive towards previous purchases.
  5. Not valid for beta exams.
  6. Only valid at Pearson VUE testing centers in the United States and Canada.
  7. We DO NOT e-mail out any Cisco Vouchers, but will gladly register you for your Cisco exams at a VUE testing center of your choice. Thank you.
  8. If you are training or testing center, please contact at to establish an account and order directly where your vouchers will be sent by email.