Discounted Cisco ICND1/ICND2 Exam Voucher & 1 Transcender Practice Test!

Our Price: $259.95
Regular Price: $304.00
You Save: $44.05, 14%

All products come with:

  • Free exam scheduling
  • Refund policy (You won't find one anywhere else!)
  • Fast delivery to your email inbox

Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) validates the ability to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot medium-size route and switched networks, including implementation and verification of connections to remote sites in a WAN. CCNA curriculum includes basic mitigation of security threats, introduction to wireless networking concepts and terminology, and performance-based skills. This new curriculum also includes (but is not limited to) the use of these protocols: IP, Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), Serial Line Interface Protocol Frame Relay, Routing Information Protocol Version 2 (RIPv2),VLANs, Ethernet, access control lists (ACLs).

Our Discount Cisco ICND1 and ICND2 Exam Test Vouchers:
  • Are valid for ICND1 (100-105) or ICND2 (200-105) Exams - completion for the CCNA certification.
  • If you choose the Register my exam for me option - you will save an additional $2.00 and one of our Representatives will schedule you for your exam.
  • Can be used at any VUE testing center in the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico.
  • Cisco ICND1 and ICND2 exam discount test vouchers have up to one (1) year expiration date.
  • Transcender Practice Test Package Features:

    • 1 Transcender Download Code is good for 1 download of ICND 1(100-105) or ICND 2 (200-105) Certification Exam:
      • 477 (100-105 or 200-105) practice test questions to identify topics you need to study.
      • 500 (100-105 or 200-105) TranscenderFlash cards to drill yourself on topics you need to study.
    • You can run the Transcender software package on up to three separate computers for 90 days.
    • Exceptionally realistic simulations of the exam let you know what to expect and when you are ready.
    • Detailed score reports and custom exam features allow you to identify and focus on your weak areas.
    What you will receive:
    • One Cisco ICND (100-105 or 200-105) Voucher
    • One Cisco ICND (100-105 or 200-105) Transcender practice test
    Please note, we DO NOT e-mail out any Cisco Vouchers, but will gladly register you for your Cisco exams at a VUE testing center of your choice. Thank you. Special Offer Restrictions:
    1. Voucher is valid for Pearson VUE Cisco Exam 100-105 or 200-105.
    2. This Pearson VUE Cisco CCENT/ICND exam test voucher is valid in the United States and Canada.
    3. All sales are final. No refund on this item.
    4. Current sales prices are not retroactive towards previous purchases.
    5. Not valid for beta exams.
    6. Only valid at Pearson VUE testing centers in the United States and Canada.
    7. If you are the testing candidate, please provide the required registration information with your order. The required information include the exam number, exam date and time, and the name of Pearson VUE testing center of your choice.
    8. If you are training or testing center, please contact at to establish an account and order directly where your vouchers will be sent by email.