MeasureUp Practice Exam for Microsoft Technical Certification Test

Our Price: $98.95
Regular Price: $149.00
You Save: $50.05, 34%

All products come with:

  • Free exam scheduling
  • Refund policy (You won't find one anywhere else!)
  • Fast delivery to your email inbox

Since 1997, MeasureUp has been the leading provider of certification practice tests and assessments for IT professionals. The MeasureUp solution provides the necessary tools to reinforce learning and validate knowledge for students, instructors and clients of hundreds of corporations, career colleges and technical training facilities worldwide.

For almost two decades, MeasureUp's practice tests have been recognized for their innovative use of simulation question types, comprehensive explanations, complete coverage of exam objectives, multiple delivery modes, and in-depth reporting. MeasureUp assessments are used for training, job placement and proving knowledge retention.

We offer Microsoft Technical Certification exam vouchers at huge discounts to give you the preparation edge you need to pass your Microsoft certification exams as fast and as economically as possible. Microsoft Technical Certification exams include all of the exams required in the Microsoft Role-based certifications.

Microsoft Technical Certification Benefits

Microsoft Certification benefits include many valuable career tools, such as:

  • Certification Planner - Track your progress and view options for completing your certification
  • Certificate Manager - View, download, or purchase paper copies of certificates for the Microsoft Certifications you earn.
  • Official transcript download and sharing tool
  • Certification badges - Download official certification badges.
  • Microsoft eStore - Purchase apparel and accessories with certification logos.
  • Microsoft community - Make connections with your peers through the Born To Learn blog.
  • Promotional offers - Access special offers on Microsoft training and certification products and discounts.
  • Member resources - Find training or evaluation software, look for job opportunities, and much more.