Discounted VUE Cisco 200-301 CCNA Exam Test Voucher! Expires: 10/31/2024

Our Price: $294.95
Regular Price: $300.00
You Save: $5.05, 2%

All products come with:

  • Free exam scheduling
  • Refund policy (You won't find one anywhere else!)
  • Fast delivery to your email inbox

The 200-301 CCNA exam is associated with the Cisco Certified Network Associate certification. Earning your CCNA certification will prepare you for today's associate-level job roles in IT technologies. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge and skills related to network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, automation and programmability.

The Cisco CCNA certification is valid for 3 years.

Special Offer Restrictions:

  • Cisco CCNA exam must be taken by 10/31/2024.
  • Voucher is valid for VUE Exam 200-301.
  • VUE vouchers are good for U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico.
  • Special is valid through 10/31/2024 or while supplies last.
  • All sales are final. No refund on this item.
  • Current sales prices are not retroactive towards previous purchases.
  • Same day registration is possible with this voucher. You can register for your exam and take it on the same day that it expires.